Thursday, 1 January 2015


Day 1 of 2015 started off pretty rock & roll. Just kidding, I ended up getting the dreaded flu type cold and am currently looking drop dead gorgeous (minus the gorgeous).

Looking back, that's what we all do right? In last years post I decided I was going to stay hungry, exercise and see more. I accomplished that to about 85%, falling short on the exercise front mainly. Here's what I'm focusing on for the hopefully glorious 2015...

Learn a new language
I've always wanted to speak more than one language and my shaky German GCSE is not really cutting it. My grandparents live in Spain and I've just never motivated myself enough. This is the year. I'm booking some lessons and hopefully will be able to tick this off the bucket list by this time next year.

Get at least one ab
I only want at least one ab, is that too much to ask? I go through real phases with fitness regimes where I'm super into it and then I'm lazy for weeks on end. I'm hoping to find something I'm really into and actually get some abs by the time I'm 25 #Mid20sCrisis

Stick to a routine
Currently, I wake, snooze, wake, snooze, wake, run around, forget something, run some more and jump into my seat at work and start typing. Please tell me you do this too? Having a real routine sounds like bliss. You know those people that do a morning workout, eat some berries and think about life before they casually get to work? I'm hoping that will be me. Wish me luck.

Happy new year all! 


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